Monday, February 11, 2013

Both Self-Renewal and Differentiation – The Simple Way to Tell Stem Cells from Deceptive Terms of CIRM & Reviewer/Professor’s Snake-Oil Purveyors

The scientific definition and proof for stem cells are that they have the ability of both self-renewal and differentiation. Self-renewal means that one cell can become 2 identical cells that can become hundreds of identical cells that can become millions of identical cells. Differentiation means that placenta cells can become cells not found in the placenta, such as cells found in the heart. Although the ~ $50 M investment from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) vice chair Duane Roth’s Roth Capital to Pluristem has boosted Pluristem’s stem cell fraud/scam PLX to investors and made their executives a lot of richer, so far no one has any scientific evidences that any cells from placenta can do what the stem cell do by definition, or no one has any proof that there is any stem cells in placenta.

Pluristem is not alone at this. Since CA passed Prop 71, those against human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research of Prop 71 or stem cell conmen have claimed that they made or discovered a lot of stem cells by lowering the standards for stem cells, such as they call any cells as stem cells by expressing few markers. A lot of cells express similar markers, even they are completely different. The most popular stem cell fraud/scam is the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) made from skin or adult cells, published in most prestigious scientific journal like Cell and even won the Nobel prize last year. The iPS cells express similar markers as hESCs, however, cancer cells express those markers too. The iPS cells fit the political need of some people, however, no one has come up with any scientific evidences that iPS cell can self-renew, nor there is any proof that iPS cells are stem cells. In fact, iPS cells cannot self renew, mutating and aging quickly by many scientific publications and evidences, like cancer cells do. The iPS cells have been proven neither safe nor the future of stem cells. Now the same group of greedy professors who easily made iPS cells wants to cheat Prop 71 & stem cell research with some of their deceptive terms such as “direct differentiation”, claiming they made heart from skin, REALLY?!!! Perhaps, they should tell the public the truth about their snake oil purveyor that they have been trying to hide in their deceptive terms in top scientific journals, about their extremely low non-viable efficiency & accelerated aging of “direct differentiation” that would make their approach anything but the approach of the future.

The public and investors are easily to be confused or fooled by the word-game of those greedy professors who have no scientific integrity since most people have little scientific knowledge. If we simply ask: “Is anybody born from placenta? Is anybody born from skin? Are you your own grandpa?” I am sure anyone would know the answers. Saying stem cell in placenta is just as absurd as saying anyone is born from placenta. Calling the iPS cell or “direct differentiation” a breakthrough is just as absurd as saying you are your own grandpa or made from someone else.  

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