Friday, October 24, 2014

Dr. Xuejun Parsons, the founder of Xcelthera Inc and San Diego Regenerative Medicine Institute, is going to speak at Cell Therapy 2014 Las Vegas on Current State of Regenerative Medicine -- Moving Stem Cell Research from Animals into Humans for Clinical Trials

Title: Direct Conversion of Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Functional Human Neuronal or Cardiomyocyte Cell Therapy Derivatives for Regenerative Medicine

Abstract: Given the limited capacity of CNS and heart for self-repair/renewal, cell-based therapy represents a promising therapeutic approach closest to provide a cure to restore normal tissue and function for neurological and cardiovascular disorders. Derivation of human embryonic stem cell (hESCs) from the in vitro fertilization (IVF) leftover embryos has brought a new era of cellular medicine for the damaged CNS and heart. Recent advances and technology breakthroughs in hESC research have overcome some major obstacles in moving stem cell research from animals towards humans trials, including resolving minimal essential human requirements for de novo derivation and long-term maintenance of clinically-suitable stable hESC lines and direct conversion of such pluripotent hESCs into a large supply of clinical-grade functional human neuronal or cardiomyocyte cell therapy products. Such breakthrough stem cell technologies have demonstrated the direct pharmacologic utility and capacity of hESC cell therapy derivatives for human CNS and myocardium regeneration and, thus, have presented the hESC cell therapy derivatives as a powerful pharmacologic agent of cellular entity for CNS and heart repair. The availability of human stem/progenitor/precursor cells in high quality and large commercial scales with adequate cellular neurogenic or cardiogenic capacity will greatly facilitate developing safe and effective cell-based regenerative therapies against a wide range of CNS and heart disorders. Transforming non-functional pluripotent hESCs into fate-restricted functional human cell therapy derivatives dramatically increases the clinical efficacy of graft-dependent repair and safety of hESC-derived cellular products, marking a turning point in cell-based regenerative medicine from current studies in animals towards human trials.

Time and Location: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at Embassy Suites, Las Vegas, 4315 Swenson Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, USA

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Biomed Realty Trust Inc (BMR), a Public Company that has Failed to Disclose its Legal Proceedings to SEC and the Public against SEC Regulations and Public Policy, is Making False Accusations, Alleging Defamation Lawsuit, and Threatening Restraining Order and Injunction to Bully Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Blog and Private Sectors for Speaking Truth about BMR’s Deliberate Destruction to Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Damages to Private Life Science Startup – What BMR Has to Hide?

All the information disclosed below is privileged and provided by BMR, SDRMI, and other sources through case discovery. This blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, reliability, suitability, or validity of this information. The content on this blog is the opinion only, not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual, or anyone or anything.

BioMed Realty Trust Inc (BMR), a public traded company advertising itself as the world largest commercial real estate specializing in leasing laboratory spaces to life science industry, has failed to disclose its legal proceedings to the United States Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Public in consecutive quarterly reports against SEC regulations and Public Policy (please see and image files of BMR SEC reports below). BMR’s board members include trustees and president of Salk Institute; trustee of Stanford University; CEO of Amylin Pharmaceuticals; boards of directors of Illumina, Geron Corporation, Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp, Corcept Therapeutics, and Castle Biosciences; the advisory councils of the University of California San Diego and the University of Miami; President of Roth Capital (please see ). BMR’s biotechnology company investment portfolio includes some of the trailblazers in human embryonic stem cell lines, such as Geron and Asterias Biotherapeutics, a subsidiary of Biotime, which dosed on stem cell assets of Geron in October 2013 under a ~ $40 million deal for acquiring four cell lines, including OPC1, that were shelved by Geron. Asterias entered into an 8-year lease contract with BMR in January 2014 that worth ~$1.5 million/year, and subsequently, received a $14.3 million award from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) in May 2014 to continue clinical trial of OPC1 for spinal cord injury abandoned by Geron in November 2011.

BMR, a public-traded company, has been a party of multiple legal proceedings including case#37-2013-00038680 and case#37-2012-00042147 (court records can be viewed at, which disclosed through case discoveries BMR’s shocking malicious intention and despicable conducts in illegal confiscation and destruction of valuable human embryonic stem cell lines and stem cell research materials of San Diego Regenerative Medicine Institute (SDRMI) – a privately-hold stem cell startup in life science industry, and illegal confiscation and sell of stem cell research equipment of SDRMI with its partner organizations through fraudulent lease against public policy, invalid legal documents, false statements in legal documents under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, default and judgment that contain multiple legal deficiencies, and failure to follow proper legal procedures. However, BMR has reported to SEC repeatedly during last consecutive quarters that BMR is not currently a party to any legal proceedings nor is any legal proceeding threatened against BMR that BMR believe would have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations or liquidity against SEC regulations (please see and image files of BMR SEC reports below). To cover up that BMR has violated public policy and government regulations to deliberately withhold information about its legal proceedings and multiple legal deficiencies to SEC and the Public, BMR is making false accusations and alleging defamation lawsuit (Case#37-2014-00034661, court records can be viewed at, please see image files provided by BMR themselves below), threatening restraining order and injunctions to bully Voice of Regenerative Medicine – a human embryonic stem cell research blog – and extort private sector unrelated individuals and startups for speaking truth about BMR’s legal proceedings that contain multiple legal deficiencies; violates the legal rights, ownership, and privacy of US private organizations and citizens, including US veteran and POW, entitled by law; and resulted in deliberate destruction to human embryonic stem cells of SDRMI and devastating damages to private life science startup (case#37-2013-00038680, case#37-2012-00042147, and case#37-2014-00034661, court records can be viewed at, please see image files and BMR attorney’s frequent ex parte contacts and extortionate demand letters provided by BMR themselves below). What BMR, a public company that has failed to disclose its legal proceedings to SEC against public policy and government regulations, has to hide from SEC, the public, and the share holders?

BMR provided the supporting documents below.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Biomed Realty Trust Inc (BMR), a Public Company that has Failed to Disclose its Legal Proceedings to SEC and the Public against SEC Regulations and Public Policy, Resorts to Extortion by Demand Letter to Cover up their Black Market Operation Where BMR Illegally Confiscates, Destroys, and Sells Valuable Research Equipment and Materials of Life Science Company Using Fraudulent Lease

All the information disclosed below is privileged and provided by BMR, SDRMI, and other sources through case discovery. This blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, reliability, suitability, or validity of this information. The content on this blog is the opinion only, not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual, or anyone or anything.

BioMed Realty Trust Inc (BMR) -- Biomed Realty Trust Inc, Biomed Realty LP, BMR-Bunker Hill LP – is a public traded company advertising itself as the world largest commercial real estate specializing in leasing laboratory spaces to life science industryBMR has failed to disclose its legal proceedings to the United States Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Public in consecutive quarterly reports against SEC regulations and Public Policy (please see BMR’s board members include trustees and president of Salk Institute; trustee of Stanford University; CEO of Amylin Pharmaceuticals; boards of directors of Illumina, Geron Corporation, Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp, Corcept Therapeutics, and Castle Biosciences; the advisory councils of the University of California San Diego and the University of Miami; President of Roth Capital (please see ). Its biotechnology company investment portfolio includes some of the trailblazers in human embryonic stem cell lines, such as Geron and Asterias Biotherapeutics, a subsidiary of Biotime, which dosed on stem cell assets of Geron in October 2013 under a $40 million deal for acquiring four cell lines, including OPC1, that were shelved by Geron. Asterias entered an 8-year lease contract with BMR in January 2014, and subsequently, received a $14.3 million award from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) in May 2014 to continue clinical trial of OPC1 for spinal cord injury abandoned by Geron in November 2011.

Biomed Realty Trust Inc (BMR) is making extortionate demand to Voice of Regenerative Medicine – a human embryonic stem cell research blog -- to take down blogs containing information provided by BMR themselves, SDRMI, and other sources through case discovery of case#37-2013-00038680 and case#37-2012-00042147 (court records can be viewed at, please see image files below). This information reveals BMR’s shocking malicious intention and despicable conducts in illegal confiscation and destruction of valuable human embryonic stem cell lines and stem cell research materials of San Diego Regenerative Medicine Institute (SDRMI), and illegal confiscation and sell of stem cell research equipment with its partner organizations through fraudulent lease against public policy, invalid legal documents, false statements in legal documents under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, default and judgment that contain multiple legal deficiencies, and failure to follow proper legal procedures (case#37-2013-00038680 and case#37-2012-00042147, court records can be viewed at, and please see image files below).

In April 2011, SDRMI signed a one year lease agreement with BMR at San Diego Science Center. Although unlawful detainer law prohibits self-help eviction, such as lock-out and cut-off utility, in the bizarre unlawful detainer case filed by BMR (case#37-2012-00042147, and court records can be viewed at, please also see below image files of SD court records timeline), BMR locked SDRMI out (on or before February 11, 2012) before its default (February 29, 2012). Then, BMR hired their long-time contractor Occupational Services, Inc. to destroy SDRMI’s entire stem cell assets on March 7 & 8, 2012, before the lease expired in the end of March 2012. Afterwards, BMR staff accused SDRMI trespassing, and BMR attorney refused to return SDRMI stem cell research equipment at the premise without signing liability release form (please see BMR attorney letters below). After the lease expired in March 2012 and after BMR staff accused SDRMI trespassing, BMR continued the money judgment in April 2012, and had all court services remain deliver to the premise knowing that SDRMI could not have access, and obtained the money judgment in May 2012 illegally, which BMR attorney has been aggressively pursuing since (case#37-2012-00042147, and court records can be viewed at, please also see below image files of SD court records timeline).

According to information provided by BMR, SDRMI, and other sources through case discovery, BMR inactivated SDRMI access key cards in the end of January 2012, changed the locks of the Premises no late than February 11, 2012, before BMR obtained a default on February 29, 2012 (case#37-2012-00042147, court records can be viewed at, please see image files of court records below). According to information provided by BMR, SDRMI, and other sources through case discovery, BMR donated SDRMI stem cell research equipment to its partner Sustainable Surplus Exchange, an organization also partner with San Diego Entrepreneur Exchange (SDEE), on 5/22/12, without asking SDRMI for permission (please see image files provided by BMR themselves below). However SDEE email dated 5/10/12 shows that they were already selling SDRMI stem cell research equipment on or before 5/10/12, before the donation even happened (please see image files provided by BMR themselves below). BMR also sold some of SDRMI stem cell research equipment to San Diego State University (SDSU) on May 16, 2012, without SDRMI consent (please see image files provided by BMR themselves below). Interestingly, Ted Jacobs, who broke BMR lease with SDRMI, is an officer of SDEE, and his dad Brent Jacobs is co-founder of Biocom and on the board of Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute. BMR donor agreement with Sustainable Surplus Exchange was signed by the CEO of Sustainable Surplus Exchange way back on 9/21/11. And the founder of Biocom is now vice-chairman of California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Institute (CIRM), which gave Asterias $14.3 million award in May 2014 after Asterias entered into an 8-year lease contract with BMR that is worth ~ $1.5 million/year. Biocom’s connection in San Diego is huge and very influential, involving many rich and powerful people, which may explain why BMR attorney Steve Blake got his motions through the judges in court effortlessly.

According to the unlawful detainer law, BMR has to obtain SDRMI’s agreement for sell or donate SDRMI’s stem cell research equipment. BMR had no rights to sign the donor agreement with Sustainable Surplus Exchange and sell SDRMI stem cell research equipment to SDSU since BMR did not have ownership for all the items listed, nor obtained any agreement from SDRMI. This information through case discovery uncovers a black market operation where BMR illegally confiscates valuable research equipment and materials of life science organization or company through fraudulent lease, false statements and wrongful accusations, then either destroys or sells in their partner organizations for profit. BMR fraudulent lease contained exit survey and provisions for the purpose of cleaning the premise only, it is despicable, unconscionable, illegal, contrary to public policy for BMR to abuse it as their rights or safe-harbor for their wrongdoings in confiscation, destruction, and sell of SDRMI property. BMR’s black market operation has escalated into extortion for SDRMI’s patent rights using the money judgment that BMR illegally obtained from the court (please see BMR attorney Steve Blake’s extortionate demand letters below). 

BMR provided the supporting documents below.