Monday, May 7, 2012

Voice of Regenerative Medicine (VORM). CIRM Board Hijacks Prop 71 by Issuing Exclusive Unlawful Reprogramming Adult Cell Initiatives/RFAs and Forcing Unethical and Defective Products to Endanger Public Health

Voice of Regenerative Medicine (VORM). California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) board abuses authority to hijack Proposition71 (Prop71) by issuing 3 consecutive unlawful reprogramming adult cell/induced pluripotent somatic cell (iPS cell) initiatives/RFAs 12-02, 12-03, and 12-04, which exclude human embryonic stem cell research and therapy development that the law protect, force CIRM board members’ unlawful human cloning interest onto California consumers, and scam the public with unethical, defective, and non-viable products of large businesses harbored by CIRM board members.

Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and therapy is a new forefront in Regenerative Medicine made possible by California Stem Cell Research & Cure Bond Act (Prop71) to develop the next generation of cell based therapeutic solutions for many major health problems. However, so far, CIRM has doled out $ZERO of Prop71 funds to develop better and more affordable hESC therapies and cures of Prop71 for patients suffering from incurable diseases. Prop71 has been the only source of government funding protected by law for derivation and banking of clinically-suitable hESC lines. Despite available new technologies and scientific advances for derivation of clinical grade hESC lines and their functional progenies for therapies, CIRM has been withholding Prop71 funds from hESC research in urgent need of funding, impeding life-saving stem cell therapy development, blocking and delaying the mission of Prop71, and putting millions of patients’ life at risk. Despite public outcry, CIRM board continues to defy the law and issue 3 consecutive unlawful iPS/reprogramming adult cell initiatives/RFAs to exclusively serve the financial conflicts of interest of big institutes and large drug development companys of CIRM board members. CIRM board ignores mounting scientific evidences on that iPS cells/reprogramming adult cells/genetically-engineered cells are abnormal, aging fast, low efficiency, not transplantable/graftable, useless & dangerous for clinical use for patients, and waste of public funds. Reprogramming/genetically-engineering adult cells have no ethical issue of hESCs to prevent them from receiving Federal funding. In fact, reprogramming/genetically-engineering adult cells have been funded by large program/center grants/awards from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and large investment from drug development companys, such as Pfizer and Genentech. Such conflict of interest CIRM RFAs do not have any scientific merits of Prop71 and ethical/financial issues for CIRM board members to make consecutive unlawful demanding to divert funds from Prop71 to their large institutes/businesses to duplicate or supplant their existing funding. Such conflict of interest RFAs determined by CIRM board members only serve the financial conflicts of interest of large institutes and drug development companys of CIRM board members; block vital, better, and affordable new stem cell therapy development of Prop71; force unethical, defective, and non-viable products of large businesses onto consumers; and endanger public health; violating ethical & scientific conduct codes and the United States antitrust law. VORM condemns CIRM board members’ such unlawful and unethical acts; urges CIRM to issue RFAs for derivation and banking of clinical grade hESC lines and their functional progenies for stem cell therapy development; and urges CIRM to follow the law and scientific merits of Prop71 to give funding from California Stem Cell Research and Cure Bond Act to human embryonic stem cell research and therapy development of Prop71.

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