To understand why billions
of Prop71 have flowed into conflicts of interest (COI) but not stem cell
research from CIRM unobscurely, it
may help to look into CIRM flawed
review process, particularly the part that has been forbidden by CIRM internal COI to disclose to the public, covered
up as CIRM pre-application or LOI. It
is interesting to see CIRM president
Alan Trounson’ very public demand for his $70 million alpha clinic proposal
while, unseen by the public, he is so evidently negligent or even negative
about stem cell research and therapy in handling CIRM
flawed grant review process as CIRM
president. The only problem is that, so far, CIRM
has not had one FDA-approved stem cell therapy, not even any CIRM sponsored IND or clinical trials. Without
clinically-suitable human stem cells or FDA-approved stem cell therapy, Alan
Trounson’s alpha clinics would be no different from those stem cell con man’s
clinics hunted by FBI. It would turn out to be just another way for Alan
Trounson to get $70 million freebies for CIRM
COI, while under the cover he has been deliberately blocking those real
beneficial proposals that would provide stem cell therapy for his alpha clinics
using CIRM COI flawed review process
with his apparent consent.
If ICOC’s COI is only
speculation in public, COI in CIRM
grant review is monopoly, even to the extent of extortion. Therefore, it is no
surprise CIRM has been very resistant
to be transparent in its grant review. So far, it seems that CIRM reviewers have been only capable of making
negative comments that are so full of false statement, factual error, bias or
predisposition, COI that have comprised the integrity and credibility of any
advices provided by the reviewers. It is quite shocking that CIRM reviewers of no scientific integrity usually could not note any strength of hESC research proposal and intentionally gave false or biased or dishonest comments
and scores against scientific evidences that did not reflect the overall impact and scientific merit of
hESC grant applications (see hESC grant title and summary below for example). Our
proposal shown below is to understand molecular mechanism in human embryonic
stem cell neuronal differentiation using novel lineage-specific differentiation
technique in hESC research breakthrough. Such technique has never been
described before us. Only RA effect on hESC differentiating multi-lineage
embryoid body has been described before, but the effects are small, and
molecular mechanism in human and mouse ESC is totally different. There is
nothing in our proposal about iPS cells and some other irrelevant comments made
by CIRM reviewers. We have written
to CIRM president/vice president, CIRM , ICOC multiple times about such flawed reviews
from CIRM reviewers before, however,
it seems that CIRM president/vice
president or chair or ICOC have never been able to address such serious issues
as CIRM reviewers’ COI or scientific
misconduct, deliberately brushed it off, never responded to our complaints
about CIRM flawed reviews or COI in CIRM review, and covered it up by consent to
reviewers’ COI or false statement or flawed review. Considering many of CIRM ICOC members are leaders, physicians, Deans,
and Presidents who know more than anyone else how serious a issue of scientific
misconduct is in their own institutions, particularly provided by CIRM review comments for unmistakenable evidences,
it would be detrimental for us to think that CIRM
or ICOC or CIRM president/vice
president or chair have been actually behind CIRM
reviewers’ COI, false statement, or scientific misconduct by deliberately avoiding
to address CIRM flawed grant review
RFA 13-02, RB5-07199:
Molecular Controls in Human
Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) Neuronal Lineage Specification
The hESCs provide a powerful in vitro
model system to investigate molecular controls in human embryonic neurogenesis
as well as an unlimited source to generate the diversity of human neuronal cell
types for CNS repair. However, realizing the potential of hESC derivatives has
been hindered by conventional approaches for generating neuronal cells from
pluripotent cells through uncontrollable,
incomplete, and inefficient multi-lineage differentiation. We found that pluripotent hESCs maintained
under the defined culture conditions can be uniformly converted into a specific
neuronal or cardiac lineage by small molecule induction. This technology
breakthrough enables well-controlled efficient neuronal lineage-specific
differentiation direct from the pluripotent state of hESCs. In this project,
this novel hESC model of neuronal lineage-specific progression will be
characterized and used for genome-wide genetic and epigenetic profiling to
generate a comprehensive knowledge of
developmental regulators and networks for identification of molecular controls
in hESC neuronal lineage specification. Fulfilling the goal of this project
will be provide a comprehensive understanding of molecular neurogenesis in
human embryonic development, thereby, reveal potential molecular and cellular therapeutic targets for the prevention and
treatment of CNS disorders. The outcome of
this project will have a transformative impact on a broad area of
biomedical sciences and public health.
From: Gil Sambrano
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 12:58 PM
Basic Biology V Awards
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 12:58 PM
Dear Dr.
Thank you for
submitting your proposal under the CIRM
RFA 13-02: Basic Biology V Awards. After careful consideration, your PreApp was
not selected for further review under this RFA.
The goal of the
PreApp process is to identify proposals that are the most responsive to the RFA
objectives and likely to be competitive. For this competition we received over
340 PreApps and selected about 60 for a full application. The process was
designed to handle a large volume of proposals and to ensure a rapid
turn-around on the review. Reviewers may provide brief comments that highlight
strengths and weaknesses where appropriate. The comments are not comprehensive
and do not necessarily provide all the reasons for an invitation or denial.
Each application is assigned to 3 independent reviewers and each reviewer
assesses approximately 20-30 PreApps within their area of expertise and scores
the applications on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being the most meritorious. CIRM scientific staff further assesses proposals to
ensure that projects meet eligibility requirements and are responsive to the
RFA. CIRM invites the most highly
ranked and responsive PreApps as determined by the external scientific
reviewers and CIRM science officers.
The summary
below shows the final score for your PreApp and comments provided by reviewers.
We thank you for
your interest, and we encourage you to respond to future CIRM
initiatives. We look forward to your future applications to CIRM . If you have any questions about the review
please feel free to contact me.
R. Sambrano, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Review
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
210 King Street
San Francisco , CA
Phone: 415-396-9103
Associate Director, Review
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Phone: 415-396-9103
Overall Scientific Score: 33.33
Comments provided by reviewers:
Comments 1:
use of an in-vivo assay in Milestone 3 is very significant as it validates the in-vitro
results of all the other Milestones.
direct conversion of hESCs to neuronal derivatives has already been extensively
described by many different laboratories. (our
response: the reviewer’s statement is false & against scientific evidences.
The fact is the direct conversion of hESCs from the pluripotent state to
neuronal derivatives has never been done by any laboratories before us.)
It has
been shown that inhibition of the TGFB pathway by SB and LDN small compound is
sufficient to robustly induce conversion to telencephalic. (our response: The reviewer did not provide
the fact that it was induced from neuroepithelial cells isolated from embryoid bodies (EBs) in extremely low
efficiency by University of Connecticut
& groups connected to CIRM vice
president/UC connect/Sanford/UC. Our study overcomes their shortcoming to
generate neurons direct from hESCs in high efficiency and purity, not isolated from
EB. The fact the reviewer did not
disclose shows that this review had conflicts of interest (COI) and intentionally
gave false or biased or dishonest comments against scientific evidences, which has affected the integrity of advice provided
by this reviewer).
use of RA is sub-optimum as it as it generates random sets of neurons, which
will make collective data analysis useless. (Our response: the reviewer’s statement is false & against
scientific evidences. RA is optimized to induce neuroectoderm and neuronal differentiation
from hESCs to a large supply of neuronal cell type and subtypes, which is
critical for collecting data for analysis of molecular mechanism in hESC
neuronal lineage specification.)
Comments 2: (our response: our
proposal is to investigate molecular mechanism in hESC neuronal lineage-specific
differentiation and has nothing to do with iPS cells and the negative comments
of this reviewer (see title & summary). The reviewers’ comments are false,
which show COI since this review could not note any strength of this hESC
proposal and intentionally gave false
or biased or dishonest comments against scientific evidences, and which has affected the integrity of advice provided
by this reviewer).
- This protocol for differentiating human iPSCs into neurons has not
particular advantages respect to others already present in the literature,
while having some substantial drawbacks:
1) this protocol is not designed to generate one particular neuronal
subtype while generating a variety of very different neurons. It is not clear
which relation is existing between DA and spinal cord neurons which are both
generated by this same protocol.
2) it is not explained which particular type of DA or spinal cord neurons
are generated with this protocol. Are DA neurons patterned as ventral
mesencephalic Pitx3+ neurons? This is a crucial information for generating
therapeutic relevant neurons.
3) Retinoic Acid (RA) it is a well-known inducer of caudal neuronal
subtypes. It is therefore unclear how
DA neurons can be specified in this
particular regimen
4) Preliminary data are missing showing electrophysiological maturation
and activity of iPSC-derived neurons
Considering these pitfalls, caution is required in employing this
protocol in large extent and a better characterization of the differentiated
neurons is necessary to validate the system.
Comments 3: (our response: our
proposal is to investigate molecular mechanism in hESC neuronal lineage-specific
differentiation using a novel technology by small signal molecule induction. The
reviewer’s comments are vague, did not give any specifics. It is commonly known
that miRNAs are governors of regulatory circuits. The reviewers’ comments are
biased, which show COI since this review could not note any strength and apparent
novelty of this hESC proposal and intentionally gave false
or biased or dishonest comments against scientific evidences, and which has affected the integrity of advice provided
by this reviewer).
novelty of this application not at all clear
many vague, sweeping statements about the transformative nature of the
work, but very little focus
not at all clear how regulatory circuits will emerge from miRNA profiling
CIRM Comments:
Gilberto R.
Sambrano, Ph.D.
Director, Review
Institute for Regenerative Medicine
(415) 396-9103
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