Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nobel Assembly Got Sued for Awarding ISSCR Stem Cell Con Man

We’d like to carry the story on Voice of Regenerative Medicine about FIRST LAW SUIT FILED AGAINST NOBEL PRIZE ORGANIZATION CITING DEFAMATION AND UNFAIR COMPETITION PRACTICES. Yamanaka of International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) put 4 oncogenes into the skin cells of lab rats, then claimed that he had made the safe adult cell alternate of pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) by calling it as the induced pluriptoent stem cells (iPS cells) without any scientific evidence for the long-term stable self-renewal of stem cells by the definition of stem cells. The iPS cell of Yamanaka is more accurately known as the induced pluripotent somatic cell or the artificially reprogrammed adult cell. Although scientific term is mandated to be as accurate as possible, Yamanaka’s iPS cell term could not be any more confusing and far away from the truth. Anyone (not short of list) who had done what Yamanaka did before all had the scientific integrity to call what they had done as cancer studies. The only difference is what Yamanaka did was published in the prestigious top scientific Journal “Cell” (How?) that had been quickly endorsed and followed by a group of prestigious scientists of ISSCR that include the “father of stem cell” Jamie Thomson and Rudy Jaenisch and George Daley of Harvard, and had a committee of big names to campaign for Nobel prize for him with sugar-coated hidden political interest or agenda. The iPS abnormal cell of Yamanaka of ISSCR is a serious stem cell scam or fraud committed by someone who has no scientific integrity, misleading the stem cell community and general public to waste the public and taxpayers’ money enormously. The iPS abnormal cells of Yamanaka of ISSCR have created unfair competition practices for normal stem cell research and have stalled human embryonic stem cell research. Please see our blogs about it, such as “CIRM Embezzle State Fund and Resources to Waste on Induced Adult Stem Cell Scam (CIRM iPS Cell Initiative) Against Prop 71 – ISSCR Stem Cell Conman’s Thick Skin”, “CIRM’s iPS Cell Initiative — The Cloning Saga of ISSCR”, “Human Embryonic Stem Cells: The Most Positive Stem Cells — The Positivity CIRM Not Get”, “Frenzy over Reprogramming — Nobel Prize Condescended to Cooked Stem Cell Fraud”, “CIRM Lucrative RFAs Make Prop71 Stem Cell Research Impossible to Get Lawful Public Funds whereas Give Unlawful Frauds the Green Light”, “iPS Cells or Man-Made Junk”.

Quote from James Watson: “You could sequence 150,000 people with cancer and it’s not going to cure anyone ---”, “most of the experiments we do are irrelevant (to find a cure) ---”.
MEBO International: We wanted to reach out about the newest developments in Chinese researcher Rongxiang Xu's lawsuit against the Nobel Assembly as well as recent statements by James Watson regarding the ineffectiveness of genetic sequencing. Please take a look to see if this is would interest your readers, as both have relevance for the future of regenerative medicine

Human’s Innate Regenerative Ability

After Nobel’s assertion that his lawsuit is frivolous, Xu is seeking clarification on misstatements made in awarding the 2012 Nobel Prize. The suit was filed against the Nobel Assembly to clarify essential scientific details that Dr. Xu believed were misstated in their October 2012 Nobel prize announcement. Errors made in the statements not only discredit Dr. Xu's science (which has illustrated innate regenerative potential), but also involve the health and safety of people worldwide.

Xu is urging the Assembly to distinguish whether or not the human regenerative potential is innate or must be artificially created.


Rongxiang Xu’s work in applied regenerative restoration science has implications in many medical fields, including helping severe burn victims and potentially assisting in the fight against cancer. With James Watson’s recent comments regarding the ineffectiveness of genetic sequencing, the growing need for stem cell research and regenerative medicine has made this topic even more relevant.

For more background on James Watson’s statements and Dr. Xu’s lawsuit:

UT San Diego - “Watson dings genetics, Irish, fellow Nobelist”:
The Scientist - “Snubbed for a Nobel”:
Sacramento Bee - “Nobel Assembly Attempts to Downplay Lawsuit with Dr. Rongxiang Xu”:

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