Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frenzy over Reprogramming --- Nobel Prize Condescended to Cooked Stem Cell Fraud

The frenzy over induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) in last few years was finally topped by Monday’s Nobel Prize announcement to most disbelief, which shows that the Nobel committee is only human and makes mistakes too. It is the sad consequence of irresponsible research from a combination of failure in knowledge, scientific conduct, originality, and peer review. It is the cooked result from lack of open discussion & dialogue, transparency, open public policy & view & opinion, open & unrestricted scientific ground, and open mind. It is ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) and few well-connected big names’ forced monologue cooked to appeal the political need and interest of opponents of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. It is erosion of scientific integrity and public trust. It is degraded of sciences and Nobel Prize. It does not take a genius or a Nobel committee to tell iPS cell is fraud. Yamanaka did not have any scientific data for the normality and stability of iPS cells that have been used to differentiate normal stem cells from abnormal cancer cells when it was rushed to publish in Cell, so it would come in handy for the political climate of Bush Administration and for those against hESC research to stall human embryonic stem cell research. Yamanaka even proved himself that DNA integrity is damaged and DNA damage check is compromised in iPS cells, so iPS cell is a hoax and he is irresponsible. So far, there is no scientific evidence that iPS cells are stem cells, nor iPS cells can cure any disease or be used for medicine, nor Yamanaka generated any cells work for any diseases for any imminent clinical trial. Far cry from 2010 when Nobel committee gave the IVF pioneer Robert Edwards his well–deserved Nobel Prize recognition, in 2012, Nobel committee has condescended to give Nobel Prize to the biggest stem cell conman. See our previous posts. Also See california stem cell report and Knoepfler stem cell blog for other opinions.

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